6 Ways To Change Your Attitude Towards The Positive

Jason Daly
7 min readSep 30, 2022

Your attitude dictates how you live your life, how you treat others, how others treat you, and a whole lot more. It can help you be successful at home and work. At the same, you’ll enjoy a sense of inner peace and confidence.

If you’re looking for ways to get back your optimism, you’ve come to the right place. Check out these six effective ways to change your attitude towards the positive.

Have The Desire To Change

Change may be scary, but you can’t improve without change. So, if you want to have a more positive attitude, you have to embrace change and all the good that can come of it.

You’ll find you’re becoming a calmer, more accepting person. Your self-confidence will also get a nice boost because you’re not easily fazed.

Personal growth is a slow and steady process. Yet, it goes hand-in-hand with change and all the good that can come of it.

Find A New Vantage Point

Everything in life has both a good side and a bad. They’re always there, co-existing. Which one you see depends on your perspective.

The next time something happens, try to look at it from more than one angle. If there are other people involved, try to picture it from their point of view.

Being aware of other people’s vantage points gives clarity and puts things in their right place. It also makes you see both the good and bad in everything. To develop a more positive mindset, all you need to do is to direct more of your energy to the good, no matter how small.

Develop Good Habits

Negative thoughts and beliefs lead to negative habits. A habit is simply a learned behavior that, over time, becomes reflexive. So, start doing more of the good habits and less of the bad ones.

To break the cycle, start to develop one good habit at a time. For example, start with taking a 10-minute walk during your lunchtime.

Add 10 minutes each week, and you’ll be surprised at how easy it’s become. You may even find yourself waiting in anticipation for your daily walks.

Other good habits to try could be:

  • Get quality sleep each night
  • Cut back on processed food, alcohol, or smoking
  • Manage money more wisely
  • Take some time to re-energize and de-stress
  • Give back to your community
  • Practice self-reflection through meditation, journaling, or prayer
  • Find a hobby that indulges your creative side

Spend Time With Positive People

People are different, they have their good and bad days. Yet, positive people always find a way to see the silver lining.

No matter what situation you’re in, positive people find a way to lift your mood. Their can-do attitude will remind you of your accomplishments and life lessons.

They’ll tell you how strong and resilient you are. Then, they’ll remind you that with every down, there’s always an up.

Hanging out with people who have a positive mental attitude can help you see things in a brighter light. It’s a scientific fact that, after a while, you’ll start to think and act like them. You’ll start to be more optimistic and self-assured.

Focus On Solutions

We, humans, tend to dwell on negative situations. We talk about them and dissect them like bugs under the microscope until we’re tired and overwhelmed. Where does that get us? Nowhere.

Rather than spending so much time and energy focusing on the problem, try to focus more on the solution. Brainstorm one, or ten, ways to solve a certain prickly situation.

It could get difficult in the beginning. Let’s be honest, it’s easier to complain than to actively come up with solutions and implement them. Yet, if you really put your mind to it and you stick it out, those ideas will be flying out faster than you can write them down.

Encourage yourself to stay hopeful and have a positive outlook. Soon, your automatic response will be to focus on finding a solution, rather than complaining about the problem.

Live In The Present

Did you know that your past and future are like your guiding stars? The past holds all your life lessons that have helped shape the person you’ve become. Then, there’s the future where all your goals and dreams are lying in wait. While they’re important, they’re both out of your control.

The only thing you can control is the present moment. You can either make it the best it can be or you can let it pass you by and spend the rest of your life feeling regret.

One great way you can live in the present is to practice mindfulness. Sit somewhere quiet for a couple of minutes. Let your eyes wander to absorb everything going on around you. Whatever it is you’re seeing, take a few seconds to look at every detail.

Mindfulness meditation doesn’t just reduce stress by allowing you to live in the moment. It also teaches you to be grateful for everything you have and everything you’ve accomplished.

So, now you have a more positive attitude to life, but do you really believe that you have what it takes? Let’s look at that now…

Do You Believe In Your Own Potential?

While we all have dreams and aspirations, few of us are fully aware of our own potential. It can be hard to see the truly good and admirable traits in ourselves, just like it is our faults. However, believing in your own potential is a crucial part of developing your self-confidence.

In order to achieve all, you’re capable of, you have to believe in the potential you have. It can help you to try new things, challenge yourself, and take risks that could all lead to success. I’ve come up with a few ways you can determine if you believe in your potential.

Spend Time In Self-Reflection

The first way to determine if you believe in your own potential is to spend time in self-reflection. Ask yourself what you are capable of; what are your strengths and admirable qualities.

This time spent determining your potential is valuable to who you are as a person and achieving your full potential. During this time, try to focus on the following:

  • What is your potential?
  • What do you want to achieve?
  • Do you truly believe you can achieve it?
  • What can you do with this potential?

Focusing on these things and answering these questions will help you to identify your potential and believe in it more strongly.

Write It Down

Now that you’ve had time to reflect on what your potential is, you can list the qualities and skills that entails.

This will help you affirm what your potential is and your belief in it. Study this list and keep it with you, being sure to look at it whenever you feel yourself doubting your potential.

This will help you keep your potential in the forefront of your mind and helping you to truly believe in your potential.

Prove Your Potential To Yourself

For some to truly believe in something, they need to see it. This even extends to what they believe about themselves. A great way to truly believe in your potential is to prove to yourself you have it.

Act on it; challenge yourself by pushing the limits of your potential.

This challenge can be career-, hobby-, or relationship-oriented, so long as it challenges you and forces you to showcase your full potential.

Once you’ve achieved the goal you set for yourself and fully showcased your potential, you’ll not only have a well-earned sense of accomplishment and confidence, but you’ll also fully believe in your potential without doubts.

Surround Yourself With People That Believe In You

We all like to think we don’t let others affect us, but the reality is that the people around us, especially those close to you, do have an effect on us and our emotions. If those close to you doubt your potential, you’re likely to do the same.

You don’t need that negative influence in your life. Instead, surround yourself with people that believe in your potential and encourage you to achieve all you can. Their positive influence will provide you with encouragement and help you to see and believe in your potential.

We all have a river of potential inside us, but few people truly recognize and believe in that potential. Believing in your own potential is an essential part of your confidence and success. If you believe you are capable of accomplishing something, you’re far more likely to actually accomplish it.

However, believing in your own potential may not come as easily for you as it does for others. It’s often something we have to work on and prove to ourselves before we believe it. We hope we’ve helped you to see and believe in your potential.

Positivity and self belief affect the way you think and if you are living with doubt or negativity, you need to start to think differently. If you want to know more about developing a positive success mindset, check out the featured resource below for a free report; download, read it and take action 🙂

